Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrokh Ahmadi begin their unjust sentence

Internationalist Standpoint

Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrokh Ahmadi, two well-known labour activists, went to Evin prison today to begin their long and unjust sentence.

Despite ill health and presenting medical documents proving their ailments, the Iranian regime still wanted Siamak and Shahrokh behind bars. At present, they are in the jail’s quarantine.

The Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign strongly condemns the unjust sentences of Siamak Ebrahimi and Shahrokh Ahmadi and calls for their immediate and unconditional release. We urge all trade unionists, socialists and other political activists to help us in defending the rights of all workers, political prisoners and social rights’ activists in Iran.

Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign
7 February 2024

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