Truss Dumped

Nigel Smith

Istanbul, October 31 – Public meeting: “Fossil Fuel Catastrophe and the...

Public meeting: Fossil Fuel Catastrophe and the Possibilities of War in Istanbul, October 31

Cyprus Internationalist Camp, October 14-16 -the full programme

Cyprus Internationalist Camp, October 14-16 -the full programme

Iran: Abadan refinery workers go on strike!

Yesterday, Friday October 7th, all the bitumen tankers refused to load at the Abadan refinery and announced a strike. The intervention of the refinery’s security...

Iran: Struggle continues, 100 universities on strike – Interview with Morad...

Interview with Morad Shirin, from the Iranian Revolutionary Marxist Tendency

October 1, Nigerian independence anniversary: nothing to celebrate

By Revolutionary Socialist Movement (RSM) 

Cyprus: National Minimum wage – legalising ruthless exploitation

Statement by New Internationalist Left

Iran’s oil workers support the mass protests and threaten to go...

Message by the Organising Council of Oil Contract Workers’ Protests.

Khuzestan Vanguard Socialist Workers’ Cell calls for a general strike in...

The following is a message by the Khuzestan Vanguard Socialist Workers’ Cell on the recent mass protests in Iran. Launch declaration and support for...