Iran: Message from a militant worker in the National Steel Group

Re-post from Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign

To classify their jobs, which is the Ahvaz National Steel Group workers’ legal right, a number of workers took action and filed complaints, protests, and rallies inside the factory and demanded the CEO’s response.

These rallies have taken place many times, but unfortunately, the CEO of the factory – because during the height of the election campaign, provided financial aid to representatives such as Seyed Mohsen Mousavi and Mojtaba Yousefi to succeed in the elections – now, in burying the voice of the workers, they are helping the CEO. And, predictably, he bribes the Governor and the Attorney General so that he can fire anyone he wants, and complaints to the Labour Office for returning [fired workers] to work are unsuccessful.

More than forty specialists and the most technical and experienced personnel were transferred from their main jobs because they demanded their legal right to job classification. This means that the production lines are practically suspended because they moved the experts outside the company and we don’t have anyone with the [experience] of these personnel and it also shows that they don’t even have a plan for production.

Message from a militant worker in the National Steel Group.

Translation: Shahrokh Zamani Action Campaign

7 April 2024

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