Greece: Solidarity with the trade unionist Dionysis Christopoulos!

We publish a translated version of a statement by Xekinima in Greece, regarding the attacks on comrade Dionysis Christopoulos

Dionysis Christopoulos, the president of the workers’ union of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality of Athens, and former representative of the employees of the Organization of Culture, Sports and Youth of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA), is accused of defamation, following a lawsuit filed by the bureaucracy of DAKE in OPANDA. 

A possible negative outcome of the trial entails the risk of D. Christopoulos being dismissed. His persecutors can use the Civil Service Code for this purpose. This is, after all, the aim of the complaint. To threaten D. Christopoulos with dismissal and to “make an example” out of him for the other workers in the workplace.


D. Christopoulos publicised specific allegations regarding irregularities in the election process for the representative of employees to the OPANDA Board, held in March 2017. In these elections, D. Christopoulos was a candidate and the irregularities that were revealed by workers implied a falsification of the election result. The result itself was completely marginal, with only 1 vote difference. According to the minutes that were drawn up, Dionysis Christopoulos received 301 votes and A. Stephanopoulos 302! 

The issue could have been resolved by checking and recounting the ballots, as had been requested by Dionysis Christopoulos and by the then President of OPANDA, Mr. Bitzanis. However, the election committee refused (by a majority decision) and Th. Karambambas, who was acting informally as its chairman, proceeded to sue D. Christopoulos. 

The plaintiff, Th. Karampampas, is the Director of Operational Planning of OPANDA and has served as a Municipal Councillor in the Municipality of Daphne – Ymittos with the New Democracy party. Witnesses in his lawsuit are the Director of Administration of OPANDA and 2 other members of DAKE, the trade union caucus of New Democracy. 


This is an outright case of a political trial against a trade unionist. The bureaucratic machine of OPANDA and members of DAKE and the New Democracy party are persecuting a worker with a long history of militant trade union activity and representation in the Municipality of Athens. A worker who is a leader and motivates his/her colleagues to fight the anti-labour measures and cuts with militant mobilisations, many of which have been successful in overturning the plans of the management.

The plans to oust D. Christopoulos from OPANDA, to grind him down financially and to terrorise the workers of the Municipality of Athens will fail! 

We fight for the acquittal of D. Christopoulos and stand in solidarity with the struggles of all workers. 


We are calling for:

  • A solidarity rally on Friday, September 16, at 9.00 a.m. at the Evelpidon Courts, Building 8, Room 2.
  • We are running a solidarity campaign to cover the legal costs, which, especially in today’s conditions, are a huge burden for a worker. 


Alpha Bank account of Xekinima 

IBAN: GR3001402980298002330000164


or via Paypal in the following link 

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