Solidarity Park is a memorial for the International Brigaders of the Ciudad de Barcelona, a ship that was sunk by fascists in the Spanish Civil War in 1937. In the last 5 years we have created an international community project that has built a monument to this important historical event in Malgrat de Mar. Original Aims – A project of unity

Thousands of people have participated in this project which has brought together the international and local communities, involved school students and used art and participation as our method to create a living memory. The story so far of Solidarity Park
We now want to use the foundation we have created to continue bringing artists, young people and different communities together in developing a yearly Solidarity Park International Arts Festival. That not only remembers the role of the International Brigades but unites us today in the struggle against the far right.
We need your help to make that happen!
Unity is strength – A festival of the people
Solidarity Park has united with the Amical de les Brigades Internacionals association in Catalonia, the La Voz Ahogada theatre company, and the Associació Catalana d’Expresos Polítics del Franquisme . Together we plan to unite with our international supporters, other associations, artists, political groups, trade unions and individuals to create this festival. We want to invite you individually and your group to be affiliated to the project and support us.
To create such a festival we need a professional operation and an army of activists. For the last few years we have worked as a team of volunteers and this will continue but now we need to develop an organising team of 4 people that can start by dedicating a day a week to develop the festival. We are also holding monthly meetings (in English-Spanish) for everyone to take part and share in the direction of the festival.
Solidarity Park’s central ethos is participation, so it won’t happen without you. We want the festival to be interactive and led by everyday artists, celebrating the creative work that comes from our local communities but sharing this work internationally.
What our key aims are
- To create a yearly International Arts Festival in Catalonia as a pole of attraction for the fight against the far right today.
- To keep the history of the International Brigades alive.
- To organise artists and link local and international communities together.
- To spread the Solidarity Park schools project and teach the history of the “Brigadistas” to a new generation.
- To create the economic and organisational foundations necessary for delivering the above aims and build a festival of unity year after year.
What our plan of action is
May 2021 – Online festival with a live event (see May 2020)
June to September 2021 – Weekly online artist performance events
October 2021 – A live performance mini festival at the new monument with an online link.
May2022 – The first Solidarity Park International Arts Festival. International inauguration of the monument (Covid permitting).
Why we need your money

We want to pay 4 people to work one day a week to develop the festival, planning regular events, raising money, and creating the necessary professional infrastructure for the project.
We want to create a live, interactive and international event in October on the anniversary of when the International Brigaders left the Spanish State. For this we need to hire people and equipment.
We want to extend our social media, video production quality and publicity across the world in numerous languages.
We hope the money we are raising here will be supplemented by grants and bursaries. As an association our accounts will be scrutinised according to legal requirements. We will present regular updates at our monthly assemblies and operate an open and transparent policy.
You can donate in two ways on the funding page or by Paypal
We have some gifts to encourage you to donate.
Individual Affiliate – For every donation of €10 or over you join Solidarity Park association for a year. You can attend meetings and shape the project. You will be added to the mailing list and kept informed of all activities.
Group Affiliation – For a donation of over €50 your organisation can be represented in meetings, add their logo to the project and be an official festival supporter. You will also receive 10 badges for your organisation and kept informed of all activities from our mailing list.
Additionally on the Crowdfunding site there will be gifts connected to donations. This will be updated and new offers reported in our social media. funding site xxxxxxxxx
On the funding site there is an option for a regular donation. If you are able to make a small regular donation this would be a very big support.
Some offers on the funding page.
€15 Five Solidarity park badges and affiliation
€120 for an alabaster mini brigadista and affiliation
€25 Solidarity Park T-shirt and affiliation (coming soon)
€25 Image prints donated to the project by our supporting artists and affiliation
€35 Books and affiliation.
If you do not want to affiliate but still want to donate please inform us.
How you can find out more information
Website –
Join our email list –
Email – [email protected]
Facebook Page –
YouTube –
Facebook group . | Facebook
Twitter –
Instagram – and videos