Dear supporters!
We are living through extraordinary and turbulent times — we are in the midst of a global pandemic, with capitalism spiralling into its most serious economic crisis in generations. This historic health crisis has laid bare the failings of the capitalist system, as we see country after country unable to provide an adequate response, and a death toll that keeps rising.
We have witnessed the spectacular eruption of the Black Lives Matter movement which is spreading from the USA to many parts of the globe, revealing a thirst for action and change, and the willingness of young people to fight against the racism that is ingrained in the capitalist system.
All over the world the International Socialist Alternative (ISA), active in over 30 countries, has faced a challenging situation in which we have had to operate under lockdowns and confinement measures that have restricted our abilities to carry out our usual activities, and to interact, fundraise and distribute our publications in the usual manner. We have risen to this challenge, finding new and innovative ways to connect with the public through our work online, and to offer our analysis of unfolding events to new layers of workers and youth. This has included our new weekly international broadcast “World to Win” which streams on YouTube and Facebook every Sunday.
As we begin to come out of lockdown, in order for our organisation to be as equipped as possible to respond to fast moving events, we are launching an international finance appeal with a target of €90,000. This appeal will form part of our summer educational event — the Virtual Marxist University which is taking place July 18th til 25th. The appeal itself will be part of the closing rally on the 25th — which will be broadcasted publicly on Saturday 25 July at 3 pm Brussels time (6 AM Seattle; 9pm China).
€90,000 is an ambitious target, reflecting our ambitious plans to intervene in struggles worldwide in this new and explosive period.
It is necessary for us to fundraise in this way to cover the costs of producing our publications and other materials, to cover the travel costs of our international organisers, the international solidarity work and to support movements and struggles in various parts of the world, to pay for equipment that we need to carry out our work and to rent our office spaces among many other things.
International Socialist Alternative is different from mainstream political organisations in that we receive no financial backing from big business or wealthy donors nor from the capitalist state. Being independent in this way is very important — we stand for the interests of ordinary, working class people, not the wealthy elite. We raise money through grassroots donations from people like you who support us and agree with our ideas.
Can you consider making a donation of [€10, €20, €50, €100 or €200] to help us reach our target and continue our work around the world in the period ahead? You can donate [here]
Thank you in advance, in solidarity.